LINC @ CX – Advanced techniques for interventional revascularization in critical limb ischemia
Moderators: G. Biamino, D. Scheinert
Panel: Panel: A. Schmidt, R. Varcoe, F. Liistro
08:00–08:10 Patient specific selection of access and crossing techniques for challenging BTK cases A. Schmidt
08:10–08:25 Recorded case: Retrograde anterior tibial recanalization via 2.9F tibial access
08:25–08:35 Stenting in below the knee arteries – Quo vadis? Update on DES, bioabsorbable scaffolds, and future selfexpanding DES concepts R. Varcoe
08:35–08:45 DCB below the knee: Lessons learned, technological improvements, and current projects D. Scheinert
08:45–09:00 Recorded case: Retrograde tibial recanalization via plantar artery access and DCB angioplasty
09:00–09:10 Below-the-ankle angioplasty: Indications, techniques, and results F. Liistro
09:10–09:30 Discussion